Ingrid Tegnér began facilitating poetry and writing groups in the mid 1990’s. In her social work practice, she utilized primarily poetry therapy. After training with CoachU and the Success Unlimited Network, she gradually transitioned into helping clients as a personal coach. Yearning for new, creative challenges, she completed her fine art degree in 2019. Now she is inviting her clients to an inner process of discovery and self-renewal through writing activities, poetry and art making in community. Depending on your interest, click on the link below.
“She provided pointed, innovative activities, which were both encouraging and supportive during a time of stressful transition. Highly recommended.” H.L., Maryland
“Ingrid creates a safe and open space for individuals to become a community in a short space of time. I gained from the retreat an increased awareness of how much I need to laugh and the joy of connecting with other women.” E.B., New York